Property Management



Peace of Mind

Your eyes on the ground keeping your home safe & secure and your clients satisfied.

Beautiful cactus home in Baja Sur
Robin Palmer owner of property management company Dos Gatos

You have…

..found the perfect rental property but are hesitant to commit because you’re unsure of the legalities of vacation rentals and owning property in Mexico.

Trying to figure that out on your own feels overwhelming and confusing.

…a rental property in Baja Sur that just doesn’t seem to be netting the 5 star reviews you want.

It seems like some items in the property could use repair, the décor is a little outdated and the cleaning standards aren’t to your liking.

You’re ready to find a company that understands what your property needs to make it a 5 star home

That’s where we come in.

You don’t need to become an expert on Mexican property laws or have all the answers to run a successful rental property because Dos Gatos Property Management is!

Our Process

Baja blanket in Mexican home vacation rental.jpg
Rental agreement contract for property management
Step one in the property management process

First, we'll discuss the requirements for getting  your property listed as a short term rental. Then, we'll inspect the property to ensure it complies with legal housing codes.

Collecting inventory in vacation rentals in Mexico
Yard Maintenance for Property Management
Step two in the property management process

Next we'll ensure the property is up to date on maintenance and yard work, and that it has everything a guest needs to have a comfortable stay.

Everything from inventorying household items, labeling sheets and towels to ensuring the kitchen is stocked with all the utensils a guest might require.

Happy vacationers in the rental property in Baja Sur
Step three in the property management process

 Lastly, we will integrate your properties’ booking schedule with our own and handle the reservations from there.

We’ll take care of all aspects of the booking process:

  • initial impression with potential guests

  • maintaining open communication throughout their stay

  • following up after their visit to ensure that they had a pleasant experience and encourage them to leave a review.

We handle everything from start to finish!

Robin Palmer meeting with a client about property management
Robin Palmer of Dos Gatos in La Paz managing properties
  • $ 50–100 initial start-up fees - depending on online platform needs

  • $80/month** for (4) home inspections and security checks - checking for water damage, running water through the pipes, bill pay, accepting packages, storm checks before and after, and more. Customizable options available.

  • 10% - 15% on short-term rental bookings

  • Maintenance - $15/hr for clients, $20/hr for non clients

  • Guest Services - we offer a wide range of guest services and prices vary depending on the needs.

Prices vary depending on the needs and size of the property. 

Book through us for a discount!

All prices are shown in USD.

**This fee pays for on call service.


What’s Included

In Mexico, rental properties must be registered with the local government in order to be legally operated. The specific requirements for registering a rental property will vary depending on the location and type of property. Learn more on what’s involved with this checklist.

Legally registering your STR in Mexico

There are many different websites and online platforms that people can use to register and manage their vacation rental properties. Some of the most popular options include Airbnb, VRBO, and HomeAway,, Expedia, and Flipkey. We assist with getting your properties listed on these sites as well as our own to ensure high occupancy rates.

Property listing on all booking sites

We’ll be coordinating with potential tenants to book your rental property and track availability. We handle any and all last-minute scheduling changes to ensure your occupancy rates stay high.

Managing the Reservations Calendar

We have a standard operating process in place to ensure that your property is clean, well-maintained, and ready for every guest. Any necessary repairs or improvements will be completed before arrival. We are the first ones in and the last ones out ensuring that units are properly prepared for incoming guests and that the property has been secured after guests’ departures.

Thorough Pre-Rental Inspection

We are at the ready to answer questions and address concerns, responding to requests in a timely and effective manner, and providing regular updates on the status of any maintenance or repair work.

Open & Easy Communication

You’ve got Questions? We’ve Got Answers

  • In Mexico, rental properties must be registered with the local government in order to be legally operated. The specific requirements for registering a rental property will vary depending on the location and type of property, but generally the process will involve the following steps:

    • Obtain necessary licenses or permits from the local government, such as a business license or a permit to operate a rental property.

    • Register the property with the local tax authorities and obtain a tax identification number (RFC).

    • Register the property with the local registry of properties and obtain a property identification number.

    • Obtain necessary building permits and inspections to ensure that the property meets local safety and building codes.

    • Keep accurate records of income and expenses related to the property, and file necessary tax returns on time.

    • Comply with any other local regulations and requirements related to rental properties.

  • Managing a property management reservation schedule involves coordinating with potential tenants to book rental units, tracking availability and ensuring that units are properly prepared for incoming guests. This involves tasks such as processing and verifying reservations, communicating with guests to provide information and assistance, and handling any changes or cancellations to reservations. We’ll also be responsible for managing payment and deposit information, writing rental agreements, and ensuring that all units are clean and ready for occupancy. In addition, we’ll handle any issues or complaints that arise before, during and after a guest's stay so you can be sure to get the Super Host rating every time.

  • A pre-rental inspection for a vacation rental property involves a thorough evaluation of the property to ensure that it is clean, well-maintained, and ready for guests. This involves tasks such as checking the condition of the furniture and appliances, making sure that all necessary amenities are provided, ensuring that the property is properly stocked with supplies, and checking for any potential safety hazards. Any necessary repairs or improvements will be completed before the property is rented out.

Let’s Grab a Coffee and Chat!